OK, now it is officially time for me to panic - half my Xmas shopping ain't yet done and won't be until tomorrow in all the mad Christmas Eve rush!! why oh why do I get myself into these situations - life just kinda took over this last week and Christmas had to get put to one side so I am now on Red Alert Panic Stations.
Well at least I have some of the shopping done, the turkey is de-frosting, the fudge is made (1 present down!) - successfully, fingers crossed! But what remains to be done - I don't want to think about it too much or I will run screaming for the hills - or as much as I am able considering the g. awful weather conditions we are experiencing at present! - I am taking five minutes here, before I start the mad house clean for Christmas - since as of 2.30 I have a house full for the next 10 days! gotta luv them all really tho. I said to my youngest this morning, well are you all excited about it being nearly Christmas - I remember, when I was your age, I used to get butterflies in my tummy round about this time, thinking it was Christmas Eve tomorrow - and what was her answer re. excitement? - na mummy, don't need to get excited, I know I am on Santa's Nice List - like I say, gotta luv 'em!
Well, unlike their cousins in USA, my kids are going to have their white Christmas - and we are heartily sick of the stuff - wish we could mail it to America! but at least after 2day we don't need to struggle to get to work and school on time. If it wants to snow, bring it on and I fear from the weather forecast that it will! Looks beautiful, like a Christmas card and brings tears to your eye with the beauty, but what I would give to be able to see the tarmac!!
Well, no rest for the wicked, onwards and upwards - house to clean, kids and hubby to collect and then tomorrow to keep my cool! - but know what I like best, tomorrow nite when they are all tucked up, snuggly in bed, with visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads - wrapping the presents, listening to Christmas songs, only the tree lites on, a wee glass of malt and some home made truffles and at last, I will be able to sit back, relax, take a breath and say yes, now I feel Christmassy, I will even take time out to appreciate the beauty of the moon on the (not so quite) new fallen snow and enjoy the moment, thinking back to memories of Christmases past and looking forward to the delight and twinkling eyes on Christmas morning of my own little cherubs - nowt to beat it really.
Well, no more to be said now, 'cept hope you all enjoy a peaceful and joyful Christmas and onwards to the New Year.
Merry Christmas to all.
Thursday, 23 December 2010
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Snow joke
Hiya peeps. well suprise surprise, the snow hits and the country grinds to a halt. 8.30 a.m yesterday morning the snow started in earnest -after last weeks 3 or 4 horrible dumps of snow and following ice, which we still haven't got rid of - and snowed for 7 hours solid! never seen in my lifetime. I phoned the skool at 11.10 a.m to ask if it was closing early, and was advised that yes as soon as you can get here, you can take your kids home. I left the house at 11.15 - got to the skool at 12.30 via shanks pony - a journey that normally takes 20 mins max. in the car!!! I passed 4-5 cars just abandoned. I was walking in the tyre tracks on the road, the pavement was impassable - wading through sno drifts of 1/2 foot deep - no fun. Once I finally got the kids - then took 2 hours to get back home again! - 3 hour round trip for a journey that is normally 30 mins! Better half took 2 hours to get home from his work. Then 1.5 hour to dig car in to park it!!!
Skool closed today - in fact I think whole city is closed down! - husband home. Not much chance of putting my feet up 2day!
Xmas shopping still to be started and Christmas only 3 weeks away - HELP.
Tree up, but still finding it hard to feel Christmassy - even tho it looks like a Christmas card out the window. I HATE snow. It is official!!! and this is only the beginning of December, another 3 months of winter yet!!!
No chocs on Christmas tree - this a major omission - not much chance of getting to the shops to get any - even if the shops are open. Still to get Turkey! and those dreaded brussels sprouts! Cards sitting waiting to be posted. Do you think its possible to postpone Christmas? No didn't think so.
This weather has got to give us a break so that, even more than usual, I can rush about like a mad thing trying to organise Christmas.
Will we get to the Christmas Panto next week? I hope so, then I might start to feel Christmassy - oh no you won't, oh yes I will!
Bing Crosby had it all wrong - I'm not dreaming of a white Christmas - I'm dreaming of summer sun!!!
Please just lose this weather for next three weeks - then when the kids are on their Xmas break - then is the right time - then we can all relax and enjoy it and Santa will be happy too!
Skool closed today - in fact I think whole city is closed down! - husband home. Not much chance of putting my feet up 2day!
Xmas shopping still to be started and Christmas only 3 weeks away - HELP.
Tree up, but still finding it hard to feel Christmassy - even tho it looks like a Christmas card out the window. I HATE snow. It is official!!! and this is only the beginning of December, another 3 months of winter yet!!!
No chocs on Christmas tree - this a major omission - not much chance of getting to the shops to get any - even if the shops are open. Still to get Turkey! and those dreaded brussels sprouts! Cards sitting waiting to be posted. Do you think its possible to postpone Christmas? No didn't think so.
This weather has got to give us a break so that, even more than usual, I can rush about like a mad thing trying to organise Christmas.
Will we get to the Christmas Panto next week? I hope so, then I might start to feel Christmassy - oh no you won't, oh yes I will!
Bing Crosby had it all wrong - I'm not dreaming of a white Christmas - I'm dreaming of summer sun!!!
Please just lose this weather for next three weeks - then when the kids are on their Xmas break - then is the right time - then we can all relax and enjoy it and Santa will be happy too!
Monday, 22 November 2010
Nearly Time!!!
Can u believe it is only 4 weeks & 3 days to C day!!! Where has the time gone - an age old cry, but seriously the year has passed way too fast. Seems like just half an hour ago that we were rushing about getting presents, dealing with snow, Christmas parties and the like. Blink and you might miss your life passing you by!.
When you are a weenty (say 7 years old -like my daughter) you have life stretching out in front of you and you rush to fill every minute and the minutes that aren't filled are wasted, cos you are "bored", reach my tender age (... ahem) and time takes you over!
I have the other half off work 2day, so no rest for the wicked - having him home alone is worse than having both kids off at the same time! - but hey ho.
OK best foot forward Christmas here I come girded and ready to take you on with all my fearsome bravado - and a bit of frazzled and hair pulling stress chucked in just for good measure. Presents to buy (and hide - although this gets harder every year, cos they've found all the hiding places!!!), food to stock up on, lists to tick off cos yes, I am bound to forget that most important something, if it is not written down, especially at this time of year. Christmas decs to be got down from the loft, - checked for breakages, loose threads, lights working, - wreaths, and paper chains to be made. Aargh - cards to write - this comes under one of my most dreaded activities (up there with ironing!!!), cos how come all the cards seem to be for his friends and relations and I am the one writing them!!! and then comes the topper - buying and decorating the tree! - oh how I luv this bit - he always leaves the choice to me, but when we get home, I get moaned at cos its too stunted, too bushy, too tall - you name it and oh calamity he'll have to saw the trunk off it and now to decorate - funny how all the films make it look so much fun and jollity - when in reality it is cussing and fighting and loads of "I want to put this bit up" and "no thats not in the right place" etc.
Onto food - need I - oh yes - what do we have - chocolate truffles to make, fudge to make, mince pies to make, do I have enough of this, do I have enough of that, no you can't touch that its for Xmas day, oh and lets not forget the chocolates on the tree - how many times will I have to replace these between now and Christmas day!!
And in between all this, the house needs cleaned, top to bottom; old toys, clothes etc to be chucked to make room for new!
Not to mention nativities and Christmas concerts to attend and parties to get organised for.
Can all this be managed in 4 weeks? I ask you? But of course, I am Supermum - aren't we all at this time of year. Honestly, I do luv the buzz and excitement of this time, but am so glad when the big day finally comes and they are all asleep, passed out from too much excitement, e-numbers, chocolate and booze and aah, I can put my feet up - its all over for another year! But until then its onwards and upwards, teeth gritted.
When you are a weenty (say 7 years old -like my daughter) you have life stretching out in front of you and you rush to fill every minute and the minutes that aren't filled are wasted, cos you are "bored", reach my tender age (... ahem) and time takes you over!
I have the other half off work 2day, so no rest for the wicked - having him home alone is worse than having both kids off at the same time! - but hey ho.
OK best foot forward Christmas here I come girded and ready to take you on with all my fearsome bravado - and a bit of frazzled and hair pulling stress chucked in just for good measure. Presents to buy (and hide - although this gets harder every year, cos they've found all the hiding places!!!), food to stock up on, lists to tick off cos yes, I am bound to forget that most important something, if it is not written down, especially at this time of year. Christmas decs to be got down from the loft, - checked for breakages, loose threads, lights working, - wreaths, and paper chains to be made. Aargh - cards to write - this comes under one of my most dreaded activities (up there with ironing!!!), cos how come all the cards seem to be for his friends and relations and I am the one writing them!!! and then comes the topper - buying and decorating the tree! - oh how I luv this bit - he always leaves the choice to me, but when we get home, I get moaned at cos its too stunted, too bushy, too tall - you name it and oh calamity he'll have to saw the trunk off it and now to decorate - funny how all the films make it look so much fun and jollity - when in reality it is cussing and fighting and loads of "I want to put this bit up" and "no thats not in the right place" etc.
Onto food - need I - oh yes - what do we have - chocolate truffles to make, fudge to make, mince pies to make, do I have enough of this, do I have enough of that, no you can't touch that its for Xmas day, oh and lets not forget the chocolates on the tree - how many times will I have to replace these between now and Christmas day!!
And in between all this, the house needs cleaned, top to bottom; old toys, clothes etc to be chucked to make room for new!
Not to mention nativities and Christmas concerts to attend and parties to get organised for.
Can all this be managed in 4 weeks? I ask you? But of course, I am Supermum - aren't we all at this time of year. Honestly, I do luv the buzz and excitement of this time, but am so glad when the big day finally comes and they are all asleep, passed out from too much excitement, e-numbers, chocolate and booze and aah, I can put my feet up - its all over for another year! But until then its onwards and upwards, teeth gritted.
Monday, 1 November 2010
Count down to Christmas
Hiya peeps been out of touch the last few days as had one of my babies of sick from school with really bad cough cold - no doubt the first of many for the next six months! - but here I am back again, procrastinating as usual - something I excel at! - the housework has gone to the dogs for the last 4 days what with having an "invalid" in the house and then the weekend madness of a full house for 2 days - yes it is a pigsty this morning and since I don't know where to start, I thought I'd natter here for a bit!
Well Hallowe'en was a blast round here last nite - the kids were at a neighbours Hallowe'en barbeque then trick or treating round the doors. Some haul they came back with! My doorbell needless to say was red hot! - even with random kids, I have never seeen in the locality - but hey you can't turn them away! - nearly ran out of treats! Scary!!!
So now, once Friday - Guy Fawkes is over (this year, this will be an experience in itself, as we have fireworks for the first time, and not sure how the kids will deal with the real thing - me,I'm no good with matches, so my better half is in charge of this lot - rather him than me!) we hit the major count down to Christmas - panic buying, who have I forgotten, what have I forgotten and help, is there enough food! I try to keep it toned down - after all the shops are only closed for a maximum of 2 days - we are not going under seige! I do luv the lights and cold weather and Christmassy feel, nearer the time - although admittedly, I do try to get it all done earlier rather than later - have yet to get this one fully managed yet tho. But hey ho, the adrenaline buzz is enjoyable and finally, on the big day, getting to put your feet up knowing you have succeeded yet again to keep all of them happy, all of the time (this time round anyway) makes it all worth it.
Return for further beleaguered Christmas chaos instalments in the near future, now I fear I must stop procrastinating! aw, do i have to?!!!
Well Hallowe'en was a blast round here last nite - the kids were at a neighbours Hallowe'en barbeque then trick or treating round the doors. Some haul they came back with! My doorbell needless to say was red hot! - even with random kids, I have never seeen in the locality - but hey you can't turn them away! - nearly ran out of treats! Scary!!!
So now, once Friday - Guy Fawkes is over (this year, this will be an experience in itself, as we have fireworks for the first time, and not sure how the kids will deal with the real thing - me,I'm no good with matches, so my better half is in charge of this lot - rather him than me!) we hit the major count down to Christmas - panic buying, who have I forgotten, what have I forgotten and help, is there enough food! I try to keep it toned down - after all the shops are only closed for a maximum of 2 days - we are not going under seige! I do luv the lights and cold weather and Christmassy feel, nearer the time - although admittedly, I do try to get it all done earlier rather than later - have yet to get this one fully managed yet tho. But hey ho, the adrenaline buzz is enjoyable and finally, on the big day, getting to put your feet up knowing you have succeeded yet again to keep all of them happy, all of the time (this time round anyway) makes it all worth it.
Return for further beleaguered Christmas chaos instalments in the near future, now I fear I must stop procrastinating! aw, do i have to?!!!
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Well Hallowe'en disco at school has been and gone. Eldest had a riot doing the DJing. Youngest attended her 1st school disco. Now just got Sunday nite - Hallowe'en to contend with. How many times will my doorbell be rung! How many jokes will I have to listen to?!
And then onwards and upwards Christmas here we come. My other 1/2 (I hesitate to say better!!!) is already thinking Xmas - presents, food, tree, etc. etc. HELP!! Need to make Christmas cake next weekend, and then there is no stopping the slippery slope downwards and all for what - 24 hrs. and then its done for another year. But the pleasure and joy on their faces makes up for it. And no matter what age I am I can't help but "fill up" seeing the decorated tree, smelling the fresh pine scent, the presents underneath but most of all, I love Christmas Eve, when they are all in bed and "Santa" is visiting and then I go up the stairs full of anticipation of the next morning. I love in my secret self these final hours of peace when present wrapping as quietly as possible and then tiptoeing up to bed to allow Santa to come. In these magical couple of hours it is all still to happen and the anticipation of the pleasure fills me with a warm cozy feeling. - but hey, I'm getting carried away already. We still have all the present buying, card writing, posting madness leading up to Christmas to deal with. But hey ho. Life is life as they say.
On an entirely other tack - I know I am getting old when I have to be the one attending Parents Nite at school. This is coming up next week - I can never get away from how "grown up" this makes me feel - I remember the anticipation of waiting for my Mum & Dad to come home from the school parent nite/teacher meeting and begging as soon as they were through the door - " well what did the teacher say, am I good, is everything OK!" Well believe it or not my kids still do the same with me - a soon as I am through the door blah de blah. Funny what goes around, comes around. It all changes, but stays the same!
And finally, before I sign off - lets not leap too far forward - before Xmas, we still have Hallowe'en (which I have touched on) and then Guy Fawkes - this year, I think I am going to try my babes out with Sparklers - again, another fun thing, I always recall doing on Guy Fawkes with my Sparkler was writing my name in the air and watching it disappear - poof! and its gone! - simple things, I know, but hey its the little things, simple things that make up the whole! and memories are made of these.
And then onwards and upwards Christmas here we come. My other 1/2 (I hesitate to say better!!!) is already thinking Xmas - presents, food, tree, etc. etc. HELP!! Need to make Christmas cake next weekend, and then there is no stopping the slippery slope downwards and all for what - 24 hrs. and then its done for another year. But the pleasure and joy on their faces makes up for it. And no matter what age I am I can't help but "fill up" seeing the decorated tree, smelling the fresh pine scent, the presents underneath but most of all, I love Christmas Eve, when they are all in bed and "Santa" is visiting and then I go up the stairs full of anticipation of the next morning. I love in my secret self these final hours of peace when present wrapping as quietly as possible and then tiptoeing up to bed to allow Santa to come. In these magical couple of hours it is all still to happen and the anticipation of the pleasure fills me with a warm cozy feeling. - but hey, I'm getting carried away already. We still have all the present buying, card writing, posting madness leading up to Christmas to deal with. But hey ho. Life is life as they say.
On an entirely other tack - I know I am getting old when I have to be the one attending Parents Nite at school. This is coming up next week - I can never get away from how "grown up" this makes me feel - I remember the anticipation of waiting for my Mum & Dad to come home from the school parent nite/teacher meeting and begging as soon as they were through the door - " well what did the teacher say, am I good, is everything OK!" Well believe it or not my kids still do the same with me - a soon as I am through the door blah de blah. Funny what goes around, comes around. It all changes, but stays the same!
And finally, before I sign off - lets not leap too far forward - before Xmas, we still have Hallowe'en (which I have touched on) and then Guy Fawkes - this year, I think I am going to try my babes out with Sparklers - again, another fun thing, I always recall doing on Guy Fawkes with my Sparkler was writing my name in the air and watching it disappear - poof! and its gone! - simple things, I know, but hey its the little things, simple things that make up the whole! and memories are made of these.
Monday, 4 October 2010
Xmas Already Aaargh!
When did life become so rushed. We haven't even had Hallowe'en yet, not to mention Guy Fawkes and Christmas is in the shops already!!! The scary thing about this is that it starts me thinking about Christmas this early - what to get the kids who have it all - whats wrong with a dolly and an action man? Am I showing my age - now it has to be IPods and mobile phones - nothing nice and simple.
But don't get me wrong - as an "old fashioned" (ie 20th Century) mummy, I still like to give my kids that taste of what Xmas is all about - the simple Xmas - tangerine in your stocking at the end of your bed, with all the silly wee toys that are broken before lunch is eaten, traditional in my house is home made chocolate truffles - I always had them as a kid, so my kids will always have them, hand made by mummy; The Night Before Christmas read when they are tucked up in bed, another tradition that can't be foregone - because at the end of the day, we have to remember that Christmas is not just about who got the most expensive or biggest, it is about tradition, love, caring and sharing. Lets not lose sight of that and don't let our "computer age" kids lose sight of the best things life has to offer either!
But don't get me wrong - as an "old fashioned" (ie 20th Century) mummy, I still like to give my kids that taste of what Xmas is all about - the simple Xmas - tangerine in your stocking at the end of your bed, with all the silly wee toys that are broken before lunch is eaten, traditional in my house is home made chocolate truffles - I always had them as a kid, so my kids will always have them, hand made by mummy; The Night Before Christmas read when they are tucked up in bed, another tradition that can't be foregone - because at the end of the day, we have to remember that Christmas is not just about who got the most expensive or biggest, it is about tradition, love, caring and sharing. Lets not lose sight of that and don't let our "computer age" kids lose sight of the best things life has to offer either!
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Brownie disaster
Hi. Just felt like blogging - instead of talking to myself. Decided to share my brownie disaster with you.
My kids lurv chocolate brownies - I, even if I say so myself, am a pretty dab hand with the baking, so yesterday, after, my eldest suggested mum can't you make brownies - i thot I'd try my hand - got a recipe off the internet - easy enough to follow. Followed it to the letter, baked them in the oven - they came out and were delicious, chocolatey and chewey. Cut them up, left them to collect the kids from skool - got back and found aargh!! BRICKS - no seriously, Bricks - where did I go wrong - my daughter, trying valiantly to be nice to mummy said they smell sort of burnt, taste a bit chocolately and a bit burnt, and are kinda hard to bite into!!! So we tried microwaving/heating them - at least they got softer but man-oh-man kinda yuck! Left a couple for her big brother - who said no these are ok, once heated honest. But sorry no!!! - I have to remember, next time, - if there is a next time - my cooker cooks faster than recipes recommend - approx. 10 mins cut off the recipe time - and hopefully this time they will turn out. I will keep you posted. (Couldn't even put them out for the birds - somebody would have called the RSCPA on me!!!) Bad news.
My kids lurv chocolate brownies - I, even if I say so myself, am a pretty dab hand with the baking, so yesterday, after, my eldest suggested mum can't you make brownies - i thot I'd try my hand - got a recipe off the internet - easy enough to follow. Followed it to the letter, baked them in the oven - they came out and were delicious, chocolatey and chewey. Cut them up, left them to collect the kids from skool - got back and found aargh!! BRICKS - no seriously, Bricks - where did I go wrong - my daughter, trying valiantly to be nice to mummy said they smell sort of burnt, taste a bit chocolately and a bit burnt, and are kinda hard to bite into!!! So we tried microwaving/heating them - at least they got softer but man-oh-man kinda yuck! Left a couple for her big brother - who said no these are ok, once heated honest. But sorry no!!! - I have to remember, next time, - if there is a next time - my cooker cooks faster than recipes recommend - approx. 10 mins cut off the recipe time - and hopefully this time they will turn out. I will keep you posted. (Couldn't even put them out for the birds - somebody would have called the RSCPA on me!!!) Bad news.
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